Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Could life get any better? I surmise that it could not!

Top 25 Reasons I'm Smiling as of 09-10-08:
  1. My call to the England Manchester Mission. Seriously, I thought the excitement would wear off by now, and I still wake up every morning expecting it to be gone, but? I continually find myself thinking that I may burst at any moment. Two more months, baby!
  2. iTunes Store. It may suck up a large chunk of my spending money, but shoot, is it ever worth it. I indulged this week on some oldies: No Rain by Blind Melon, Zombie Zoo by Tom Petty, Never Tear Us Apart by INXS and Peaches by The Presidents of the United States of America. I remain a firm believer that money really can buy happiness....even if it's momentary.
  3. 7 am runs in this GORGEOUS rainy weather.
  4. A healthy curfew that allows me to enjoy my 7 am runs.
  5. A gorgeous boy who supports a healthy curfew.
  6. Dining with my England family on Saturday at the Bombay House. Curry and England people=bliss.
  7. Said gorgeous boy enjoys company of England family and vice versa.
  8. The prospect of going through the temple on Saturday!
  9. The prospect of seeing my family at the temple on Saturday!!!
  10. The time spent last night with my wonderful mother shopping for temple clothing and eating and Mimi's Cafe.
  11. Happiness that allows me to use cheesy words like "wonderful", "amazing", exclamation marks, etc. without any internal shuddering, puksies, or guilt.
  12. Chacos which keep my feet happy, healthy, and smiling.
  13. Granola bars on sale at Smith's: 5 boxes for 5 dollars!
  14. Hot shoes found at the D.I. during every visit, without fail.
  15. My ability to weave red into my own hair, costing me 8 bucks instead of 80.
  16. Lizard Lava flavored Sobe gifted to me by the gorgeous boy.
  17. The music of Hildegard von Bingen. Finally! Gregorian chants for women!
  18. Getting my spacious office/glorified cubicle back in the Testing Center (aka Hell) after working the entire summer cramped up next to Becky's desk space. (Not that I don't love you Becky, because I do. I honestly love you.)
  19. CTR ring sale in the BYU Bookstore during Education Week. Boy, has Provo made a zoobie out of me.
  20. Bosses like Jon Mott who give peons like me bi-annual raises for no apparent reason.
  21. John Mayer's "Where the Light Is" album/DVD. So lovely.
  22. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. (Please pick up on that reference.)
  23. Rachel's yummy pesto sauce and french bread.
  24. Finding myself surrounded by friends and family who love and support me.
  25. A Father in Heaven who knows us all individually and loves us even though we are pretty stupid most of the time, and who helps His stupid children erase past mistakes and make new decisions that are much, much better.


Shaun and Maren said...

Love the new backdrop! Very nice!

Rachel said...

I think you need to post somesing new. :)