Wednesday, May 2, 2007

England with a Veiw

Well Familypants, I'm alive ... and very lively. Happy birthday Rachel, you old fart! I'm sorry I missed your birthday and your baby shower. I was on the top of Ben Lomond on the 27th and thought of you. That mountain really does have a steep side, like the song says, but luckily we went up the not-so-steep side. We've been hiking a whole bunch, as was planned for. Seriously, my life rocks right now. To think that last summer i was sitting in a cubicle all day...and now i'm hiking anywhere from 4-14 miles everyday. I love getting sunburned here! it feels so good! since the elevation is lower, the sun isn't as harsh, and it's very similar to a tanning bed, where my freckles just get darker and i never really burn, peel, or blister. Sorry i haven't been able to call or email much, Mom. We've been in the remotest part of the Lake District (where Wordsworth and Coleridge wrote their best poetry!) and we've been far from city civilization...which means no internet and no laundry. oh boy do we smell good! Right now we are in the town of keswick which has a anchient stone circle similar to stone henge in make and history. Last night the moon was full and a handfull of us snuck away and hiked to the circle. We then did our best imitations of a pagan ceremony. Liz and Bess played their penny whistles while the rest of us romped around on the stones and cow dung. it was silly, but magical. Yesterday, (before the heathen worshippings) we hiked to the highest point in England. Again, i can't stress enough how much i love the lower elevation. the hike was challenging, but very pleasant at the same time. Bess, Ann, Liz and I found a small mountain pool and took a short swim. Don't worry Mother, it wasn't completely what i consider skinny dipping. I'll keep my promise! The land here is beautiful, and reminds me of home in so many ways. It's been great to find a place where i really fit in; many folks in scotland and england have my red hair and freckles, especially the scots. Well, internet time is short and pricey, so i better jet. I'll leave you with some pics if it works. I love you all!
Much love,
little dork
pevy poo


Cheryl and Dave said...

One word:


sharee mather said...

Mom's comment, You keep having fun, and I love you lots.